Only used on loan from P. Jacobs for a few months in 2018
This is a little wide-field setup, with a focal lenght of 350mm and a nice F/5 aperture. So easy wide fields, always collimated, pretty fast. Admitted, it’s not the F2.8 or super-fast equivalents , but it also does not give you the head-aches of keeping it in collimation.
This scope is supposed to be the same as the WO Star71 TS71 TSQ and the Meade 70mm for which you cn find a review here.
However the fast aperture also means that focussing is very critical. So adding an autofocusser is important to garanty good consistent results. If you do not check the focus after each 0.5 degree temp change, you will end up with series of images that are out-of-focus.
I could use this scope with a Nikon D750 to verify the full frame capabilities (after all you want wide fields, eveybody would agree that smaller chips will be proble-free). The results are pretty good, only at the very edges and corners of the field, the stars become a bit more fuzzy, in the actual corners also some distortions is visible. In the wide environment of the corners, also some blue fringing is present.
But these are actually details and the overall performance cross the frame is excellent.