During our annual family holidays, in Castellet-en-Luberon, clear skies allow me to image almost every day. The region is not only dark (with sqm values around 21,30) but often benefits from excellent seeing. For Jupiter, who came in opposition August 20th, the added 7 degrees latitude also made a possible difference.
Especially for up the big planet I brought the ‘big’ ‘Mak’sutov. It was posted in a harvested field near the camping grounds.
These are two images taken a few minutes apart, using a sequence of Red, Green, Blue and Infrared filters, each for 1 minute, and on average capturing about 2000 images during that minute (equals fps 30-40). No barlow was used so the telescope imaged at F/15 or 2700mm focla lenght.
The individual black & white images were stacked using Autostakkert software, then the IR/RGB combination for color was made with Registax.
Finishing the final image was done using registax, Astra Image and sometimes Photoshop.