A preliminary result, as I will try & add more data the coming clear nights
M51 in Ursa Maior, about 4,5 hours of imaging, 300-second exposures with the ASI183MM, SX Filterwheel, Baader RGB Ha, SGP with Solve & Sync, Meridian Flip, and the Esprit 120mm F 5,5
It’s a challenge to image dark nebulae in light-polluted Flanders. So let’s try it!
This is the “little eagle” nebula, which I captured a few years ago as a tiny spot on a wide-field Plejades @180mm. Now the framing only features the Eagle head ; imaging with the Esprit and the ASI183mm.
LBN777 Taurus December 2019 29x300S L 10x300sRGB ASI183MM Esprit120 F5 SQM 20.30
It’s a bit dark – but what did you expect from a Dark Nebula? This is 10x300seconds on R, G and B channels and then 29x300s on Luminance. No Light Pollution filter used.