M81 and M82 the night of January 5th

Image of 3hrs and 38m taken in subs of 1 and 2 minutes.

Esprit 120, ASI2600MC Gain 100, F7, EQ8 ; stacked in AstroPixelProcessor and developed in Photoshop.

The sky was very foggy, sqm around 20,15.

When scanning for little galaxies, several very small galaxies were identified using SIMBAD at apparent magnitudes below 20. As an example:

2MASS J09533544+6908169Type: IR<10um
Mag: 20.62

M81 and M82 on January 5th (first processing)

Second processing
Third processing

A new processing of M109

My previous processing of M109 – 360x60s – did not turn out well. Serious issues with noise, most likely calibration files that were not ok.

So I did a complete re-build of the calibration files darks and bias.

The resulting stack and processed image is noticeably better:

M109, 360x60s Gain 0 Esprit120 F7 ASI2600MC Darks, Bias

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