An XLR based power station

Everybody that ever worked with 12V cigare lighter connections knows that they need something else! You need a solid connection that is not sensitive to movements, with no risk of loosing your power during an imaging session.

The other criteria would be that the system is weather proof (no sparks from dewing or icing up during the night, and that it can stand the required Ampéres of current.

In our astronomy club  one of our members Jean Lammertyn designed a system based on the XLR standard for audio conenctions.


All details can be found here



New SkyWatcher EQ8 equatorial mount arrived

Today a new mount arrived. It was a long drive all the way to Zutphen in The Netherlands to find the new mount.  It’s both the mount head and a very heavy pier with all necessities.  I had an opportunity to test drive the system  on one or two nights and it seems all is going according expectations.

The C11 on the new EQ8 mount, sitting on a custom home made pier.

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