Andromeda with the old Nikkor 180mm ED ’70 tele

and the D750, 141x60s on ISO400.  WIth a 50% Moon low in the South. This image was taken before the Moon set, and with the public lighting still switched on.  From midnight onwards the Pleiades were imaged.

M31 Andromeda 141×60 ISO400 Nikkor 180mm ED tracked on a EQ8 with Lacerta MGEN II and SW8x50mm Moon 50% in the sky


Pleiades continued

During the night of Monday October 15th, I could add 21 times 5 minute shots to the Pleiades project. Unfortunately the coverage of fields is slightly off, so I have an artefact on the lower right corner, where the images did not overlap. Well, there will always be something… 🙂

M45 Nikon 180mm ED D750 6u 400ISO SQM2015 Meldert Oct2018 NoFilter 66% JPG

And my friend Marc Verhoeven has processed the image above a different way:

M45 same picture, but processed by Marc Verhoeven in PixInsight. Different flavor!

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