Power requirements

These are the measured currents that the equipment draws, mount without equipment mounted (bare mount). The 12V DC converter used, was a 3,7A AC/DC converter that originates from a Wii gaming console.

I measured the current required for the divers equipment I’m using:

Equipment or combination

Current in Ampere
Only stand-by LED’s from dew control and power distribution box0.03A
Switch on the EQ80.47A
Siderial rate on0.50A
Slew at rate 9 in RA2.05A
Slew at rate 9 in Declination2.00 A
Combined RA and Decl slew at rate 93.15A
Slew at rate 7 in RA1.7A
Slew at rate 7 in Declination1.7A
Slew at rate 3 in RA0.55A
Slew at rate 3 in Declination0.55A
EQ8 at siderial rate and dewcollar full charge of the C111.9A
Only Dewcollar C111.42A
Dew collar APO120mm only1.10A
Small dew collar for guiding scope 50mm0.52A
EQ8 siderial rate + dew collar APO2.04A
idem + slew in declination rate 93.44A

above + slew in RA rate 9 (as well as decl)4.6AConverter overloaded, halted
ASI184MM Pro cooler at 94%1.9A
above + EQ8 Siderial2.24A
above + slew in RA Decl rate 93.9AConverter overloaded, halted

New, old comics

I found these comics from around 1988-1990 in the attic. They were puiblished in “Wegazetje”, the monthly magazine that Wega published.

Pipo: “This Alien start to work on my nerves”
Alien: “for sure he can forget about nerves now”

“Back when the animals were talking…”
pipo: “Alien, what are you doing here in my comic? “
Alien: “I’m here to lighten up your comic”
Pipo: “How?”
Alien: “You will find out soon”

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