Testing the TecnoSky AG70

On loan from a friend, I could spend some clear nights with this short-focus flat-field refractor. It has 70mm aperture and 350mm focal lenght, for an F/Ratio of F/4,9. It delivers a nice illuminated field and pinpoint stars almost to the corners of the frame. Some slight blue fringing is present near the corners. Focusing is very critical, and also very temperature-dependent. An autofocuser is almost indispensable to keep control over the focus.

Aldebaran non-cropped FF field without any filters (only stacked and stretched)
Aldebaran in B/W non-cropped fullframe with the Oprolong L-Pro (some fog or high clouds) only stacked and stretched
Cone & Christmas Tree nebulae, in B/W with the Nikon D750 (stitch line visible )
NGC2244 or Rosette Nebula mosaic 3+3 hrs Nikon D750 & TecnoSky 70AG

25 December 2019: Orion snapshots

After Christmas’ dinner, it turned out the sky was clear. I was fully unprepared obviously being Christmas & all, so I quickly put the Nikon D750 / 135mm on th emount to take some snapshots. It took a while before Orion cleared my large wallnut tree that pretty much blocks the sky south to east.

Betelgeuze (left) and Bellatrix (Right) peeping above the wallnut tree (single shot 30s 800ISO)
Barnard’s Loop 35x120s on 800ISO Nikon D750 and 135mm vintage Nikkor @ F4, unguided.

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