Joris Raeymaekers & myself in Allons (France) featuring the freshly 2-weeks built 30cm Dobson. It was a quick & dirty built but it sure worked like a horse during that observation trip.Wega members observing the sun through mylar off-axis with my 20cm Newtonian in the Dobson setup (Spa, Logbiermé, Belgium)A borrowed Vixen mount with a PVC-pipe refractor. The lens was a 125mm F/6 I got from Lichtenknecker optics. 1992Rene (Tienen) during our Wega mirror grinding classYves Boogaerts during our Wega mirror grinding classRene, Yves and (in the back) Katrien Kolenberg (now a professor in astronomy)NGC7000 in Cygnus or the North-Americanebula. One of my first pictures on Tri-X B/W film with a cheap Practica camera and manually followed with the 6cm refractorLate Johann Falter observing through the 20cm Newtonian on the home-built heavy mountThe “V200SR” or Visual 200mm Split-Ring. A very nice and comfortable way of observing Dobsonian style with an equatorial mountFake observation for the picture. Ronzon, Wega astronomy camp. One of the only times it did not rain.
Sydney (Australia) harbor observatory 2010Mount Hamilton (USA) main dome ( near San Francisco)DIGITAL IMAGEMt. Hamilton USADIGITAL IMAGEInside the dome of the 40″ refractorC11 of the NEQ6 at home ready for action
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