M27 first use of H-Alfa

I could image this object for a few clear nights. After all summer travelling and garden work, I could finally do some imaging again. This was not only the first use of an H-Alfa filter narrowband, but also new equipment: I switched laptops, so needed to re-install all software and needed to get all hardware working on it. That took me two hours. Also an Starlight Express automated filter wheel, and a Pegasusastro Focuscube were used for the first time.

M27 Esprit 120mm F5, 63×120 Ha, 10x120s RGB, cropped
M27 63x120s Ha only

I have some issues getting all the Ha detail (the internal structure and the outer halo) also visible in the color RGB combination.


A picture of our Moon on June 15th, with the Maksutov 180mm F15. Camera: ASI183MM, 13 panel mosaic using Photoshop. Click to enlarge.

Moon June 15th 2019
Maksutov 180mm

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