After Christmas’ dinner, it turned out the sky was clear. I was fully unprepared obviously being Christmas & all, so I quickly put the Nikon D750 / 135mm on th emount to take some snapshots. It took a while before Orion cleared my large wallnut tree that pretty much blocks the sky south to east.
Betelgeuze (left) and Bellatrix (Right) peeping above the wallnut tree (single shot 30s 800ISO)Barnard’s Loop 35x120s on 800ISO Nikon D750 and 135mm vintage Nikkor @ F4, unguided.
Or actually maybe more still a foetus, as the Soul nebula is often seen as a foetus or a little bear. Imagination! I’ve never seen a Soul in it: how does a soul look like anyhow?
The frames were taken last week Tuesday, in horrible conditions: high clouds, fog, and tons of moisture. Frames were whitened out by the fog, and all street lighting reflecting on the fog.
Soul Nebula December 2019
The image is a mosaic, about 6000×7400 pixels. More then 7 panels were composed with APP to create it. However, due to the fog, soo many gradients were present, I really had to get all tricks out of my sleeves to get a decent picture. It was processed with all parameters in APP at max (Normalisation, blending) and also cropped the outer edges which could not be salvaged. Material used was: Nikon D750, no filters, EQ8; Esprit120, 400mm guidelens with an ASI290MM