IC342 re-processed by Jean Lammertyn

Jean re-processed the set of subs and retained 341 or 75% of the 2-minute subs.

The result is very impressive and offers a view on all nebulosity that surrounds the galaxy but also hides it from being very bright. This galaxy is very large and would fit within a half Moon. So the surface brightness is rather low, which makes it easy for the IFn and Milky Way nebulosity to dim it even further.

The image displays a wealth of information, not only IFN patches everywhere, but also galaxies and H-Alpha nebulosity to the right of the galaxy.

IC342 Processing: Jean Data: Joost 341x120s with EDPH76mm F 4.5 Sharpstar ASI2600MC UV/IR
Version with higher contrast

The bright nebulosity was not the intention of the processing. Apparently the brightness of the image shifted when the original TIF was saved as a JPG under Windows Photo software.

When starting from a PNG, the saved JPG did not brighten. This was the original intended result:

Mounting double scopes on the GM200HPS

The 120mm Esprit has been out of a job for too many months! It’s about time to mount the scope side-by-side with the C14 on the GM2000.

Combined weight of bth scopes & accessories would be around 40kg, which is still below the photographic load capacity of 50kg.

Using the trick with the table to de-mount the C14
Removed the Baader Losmandy 250mm dovetail clamp
Mounted the 10micron 4″ clamp the wrong way (should be 90° sideways for side-by-side mounting!
This is the correct way!
What it should become: side-by-side for the C14 (above, Baader 250mm Losmandy) and Esprit below

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