“Witch Head” nebula from Grandpré

Again with the 300mm Nikkor ED AF objective as previously used on M45. This tele-objective was trusted on me by Gust Vandermolen, photographer from Tienen;

The Witch Head is notoriously ‘not easy’, given the low surface brightness, the large area it strethces over, and the closeness of the very bright Rigel.

This picture was composed out of 100 lights of 120s ech, or 3hr and 20m in total. The mount was the old HEQ5, guiding with the old MGEN 2.

Astropixelprocessor and Photoshop. Don’t zoom in too much, as the star geometry is not exactly pristine. I focussed on the nebula while processing.

With Head nebula in Orion, November 30th from Grandpré.

Mars and Jupiter

A nice clearing between weeks of clouds allowed to image the two majestic planets currently dominating our Northern skies.

Seeing was at best average but did certainly not allow the use of a barlow.

These images have been processed harshly to get any detail out of them. Probably not very aesthetic but for now they need to serve their best. I might try a less harshly processed version if that reveals any details at all.

South is up on all images. Europa is transiting Jupiter together with it’s shadow. on Mars, the North pole is clearly visible, but also three cloud-tops of Tharsis volcanoes. A nasty diffraction edge on the right (west) , but also some bluish clouds on the eastern rim of the planet.

Better luck next time, it was nice being at it again.

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