Impact Fireball February 13th

A small 1-meter wide fireball entered the atmosphere above the norhern French coast. The alsky camera could capture it:

2023 CX1 dives into the atmosphere on the Hoegaarden all-sky camera. Some fog was present.

This was special because it was only the 7th time that scientists discovered an asteroid which was due to enter our Earth’s atmosphere. In this case it was discovered at an Hungarian observatory, just a number of hours before impact. The prediction of impact was very precise, as well location as timing. Astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky spotted the 1-meter object 2023 CX1 working at the GINOP KHK observatory in Piszkéstetö, Hungary, on the evening of Sunday, February 12th, at 9:18 local time 

A team of scientists and amateur meteorites-hunters from the french “Vigie-ciel” group of the Fireball Recovery and Interplanetary Observation Network (FRIPON) browsed the fields in Normandy. They had success, when 18-year old student Loïs Leblanc spied a dark stone during a hunt in a field in the town of Saint-Pierre-le-Viger (Seine Maritime) on the afternoon of February 15th.

More information and pictures in Dutch on the DMS Website.

Illustration: Tsjechische Academie van Wetenschappen, Ondrejov.
Tem Jenniskens with one of the finds. Student Loïs Leblanc in the middle.

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF

Probably the most overhyped comet of the last decennium. I’m not sure why media and social media are copying each other in hyping this comet. Apart from being slightly more bright then average comets, it’s really a standard comet.

Not comparable at all with Neowise, or Hale-Bopp, or Hyakutake!

It almost kept me from imaging (click on the image).

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF imaged with a Nion D750 197x15s at 1600ISO FL342mm F4.5 January 28th 2023

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