NGC1333 Spirit of Chaos

A view on NGC1333: an intruiging world of chaos. 
The level of complexity and action is amazing in this object. 

It’s integrated during 4 nights of imaging at two locations, 2 full nights of monochrome in November /December and 2 half  nights of color end of January. Unfortunately between the two camera’s the camera rotation angle changed, creating a 30° rotation. 

For completeness the mono and full RGB image have been added seperatly as versions B and C. 
A million thanks for the image processing done by Jean Lammertyn in PixInsight.

NGC1333 in Perseus “Spirit of Chaos” full LRGB 19hrs+
NGC1333 about 12hrs20m of monochrome 120s subs locations: Meldert & Grandpré.
NGC1333 “Spirit of Chaos” RGB only about 8hrs+ Location Grandpré

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